Rabu, 28 September 2016

pelantikan DPM UNTAN 2016/2017

hi my friends, do you want to know the reason I chose this photo to a photo that I like ?, because this is my last photo together a football team that I formed and with difficulty I put together the best players from various parts of Sambas, and here we in salary by one village at a rate that is not too expensive but great for the extra pocket money, on the team are all young players Sambas, aged on average 25 years of age. at the time of image capture is 15 minutes ahead of the match against the club from the district Kubu raya who have experienced and skilled players to play football. maybe that's all I can say, for so much and thank you


instruction must be repaired. Not that this time we have one of the spots we learned in training. Be that as it may, which one is the framework. How philosophy under-accentuated. The verification that hour of religious direction just two hours a week, while the science or sociologies could be four hours. Yet Allah has said in Surah Al-Mujadilah verse 11, which peruses, “Allah will lift up the individuals who accept among you and the individuals who were given some level of learning and God is mindful of what you do”.
In this way, the proficient individuals should likewise comprehend Islamic instruction in light of the fact that we could be individuals who are not just scholastically smart. Be that as it may, likewise by confidence, love, and ethics ought to be maintained to mirror the upsides of Islams

Selasa, 27 September 2016

tugas bahasa inggris

Hello, ladies and gentleman. in this occasion, my name is dadang suwandi, my date of birth sungai nyirih,29 januari 1997

i would to tell you some reasons about why i choose forestry faculty, tanjungpura university, pontianak.three years ago i’m visited arboratorium with my friends an my teacher and he is alumnus forestry faculty, tanjungpura university, pontianak. I was looked activity university student as it should be while research a certain, didn’t know, i think, activities very happy, and i’m lecture here,  it’s my first reason forestry faculty entrance. And it’s my second reason, i’m deepen above forest. Because i am spring sambas regency, sambas regency has many forest,  i want to preserve and inprove economic community my home area, by utilizing the forests well without damaging the forest and disturb the habitat of animals in the woods.

so much from me, maybe it's just that I normally convey

That is all and thank you

Senin, 19 September 2016

20 september 2016 adalah hari yang membuatku tau pentingnya pendidikan, khususnya pelajaran bahasa inggris, jujur dari SD samapi sekarang aku tak mengerti tentang pelajaran bahasa inggris, jadi tadi pagi kami ada mata kuliah bahasa inggris, untungnya aku tidak datang terlambat, karena kalau datang terlambat harus berpidato dalam bahsa inggris dalam durasi 3 menit di depan semua teman-teman di kelas, dan itu terjadi tadi pagi, dua teman baikku datang terlambat dan sudah pasti, mau tidak mau harus berpidato karena kalau tidak di anggap tidak masuk kelas, sia-sia dong kalu sudah satang tapi tidak boleh masuk dan di anggap tidak hadir. ini semua bukan tentang mereka tapi ini tentangku gara-gara buta kayu aku tidak bisa memjawab pertanyaan dari dosen, malu dong, udah kuliah tapi masih belum bisa berbahasa inggris, jadi kalin para pembaca jangan menyontoh saya ya, itu sanagat memalukan loo. kalin itu harus mulai belajar yang giat yaa, jangan pernah kalian bernasip seperti aku, karena aku tidak mau nasip kalin sepertiku, aku mau kalin jauh lebih baik dariku
sekian dan terima kasih semoga pengalaman yang memalukan ini bisa menjadi pelajaran untuk kalin